Get your 18-page Guide to being Stellar on Chat GPT now!

My name is Nicky...

I understand the juggling act you perform daily. Between managing your small service business, caring for your kids or your furbabies, and handling the countless responsibilities and todos, life can get bonkers! You wear all the hats and it can very overwhelming and stressful which is bad for your mental health - I know firsthand.

I have been there – and my story even has a health crisis thrown into it, after I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis, a rare neuromuscular autoimmune disease in July 2021 and ended up in hospital for 6 weeks. I had to learn to walk and move again and it took more than a year to physically recover and I’m just about there mentally, though I have days where I just have no energy and my body does very strange things! BUT I didn’t give up and I know now, more than ever TIME is precious. Those who know me well, know thats just how I am. I’m a busy hockey mom of two so I’m literally running trying to fit in all the things, the early mornings, constantly in and out of the house wondering how I’ll get it all done. That's why I created this guide, to make your journey smoother and help you thrive in the digital business world while being a busy business owner and mom!

Get your 18-page Guide to being Stellar on Chat GPT now!

“Are you ready to up your social media & content marketing game and gain back your TIME? This Chat GPT guide can make your life so much easier with all the essential steps to follow on how to use the tool properly...and the best part is you don't have to be a marketing genius!”